Your full Name/आपका पूरा नाम *Enter your complete name herePhone/आपका फोन नंबर *Please share your number where we can reach you on call and whatsappEmail Address/ईमेल *Enter your email address herePin Code *Marital Status /वैवाहिक स्थिति *SelectSingleMarriedEmployment status/रोजगार की स्थिति *SelectNot EmployedWorking as salaried employedSelf employed/small businessBusiness with more than 10 employeesMonthly income/मासिक आय *SelectCurrently no incomeLess than Rs. 25,000 per monthRs. 25,000 - Rs. 50,000 per monthRs. 50,000 - Rs. ,1,00,00 per monthMore than Rs. 1,00,000Total outstanding/कुल बकाया *-Select-Less than Rs. 1 LakhRs. 1 Lakh - Rs. 2 LakhRs. 2 Lakh - Rs. 3 LakhRs. 3 Lakh - Rs. 5 LakhRs. 5 Lakh - Rs. 10 LakhRs. 10 Lakh - Rs. 15 LakhMore than Rs. 15 LakhProvide total outstanding dues for which you want settlementTotal credit card dues/कुल क्रेडिट कार्ड बकाया *-Select-No credit card duesLess than Rs. 1 LakhRs. 1 Lakh - Rs. 2 LakhRs. 2 Lakh - Rs. 3 LakhRs. 3 Lakh - Rs. 5 LakhRs. 5 Lakh - Rs. 10 LakhRs. 10 Lakh - Rs. 15 LakhMore than Rs. 15 LakhProvide total outstanding dues for all credit cards for which you want settlementTotal personal loan amount/कुल पर्सनल लोन राशि *-Select-No personal loanLess than Rs. 1 LakhRs. 1 Lakh - Rs. 2 LakhRs. 2 Lakh - Rs. 3 LakhRs. 3 Lakh - Rs. 5 LakhRs. 5 Lakh - Rs. 10 LakhRs. 10 Lakh - Rs. 15 LakhMore than Rs. 15 LakhProvide total outstanding for all personal loans for which you want settlementPayment status/भुगतान स्थिति *-Select-Paying full amount but with difficultypaying minimum amount for few monthpaying minimum amount for many monthnot paying anything and getticg collection callsAre you facing any harassment?/क्या लोन रिकवरी एजेंट बार-बार कॉल करके धमकी दे रहे हैं *-Select-No not facing any harassmentfacing some harassment ( getting many recovery call )Facing severe harassment ( getting many recovery call, getting threatening calls, recovery agent visiting home/officeHave you received any legal notice from any bank/ lender?/क्या आपने किसी बैंक या उधार देने वाले से कोई कानूनी नोटिस प्राप्त किया है *-Select-YesNoIn the past, have you done any settlement with any bank for a credit card or personal loan?/क्या आपने पहले किसी बैंक के साथ क्रेडिट कार्ड या व्यक्तिगत ऋण के लिए कोई समझौता किया है *-Select-No, i have not done any settlement in the pastYes, i have done settlement for credit card in the pastYes, i have done settlement for personal loan in the pasti have done settlement for both credit card and personal loanNegotiation and settlement with the bank takes time and if you want faster settlement, it comes with lower savings. Which settlement option would you prefer?/बैंक के साथ बातचीत और समझौते में समय लगता है, और यदि आप तेज़ समाधान चाहते हैं, तो इसमें कम बचत होती है। आप कौन सा समझौता विकल्प पसंद करेंगे *-Select-I can afford to pay around 80% of loan amount within 3 to 4 month )I can't afford to pay more than 50% so i am willing to wait longer 6 to 8 month or moreYou can start settlement process with Rs.5000 - Rs.15000 and arrange additional funds towards first installment later. Is that manageable for you?/आप ₹5000 से ₹15000 तक के साथ समझौता प्रक्रिया शुरू कर सकते हैं और पहले किस्त के लिए अतिरिक्त धन बाद में जुटा सकते हैं। क्या यह आपके लिए संभव है *-Select-yes, i have Rs. 5000 - Rs. 15000 availablei can arrange Rs. 5000 - Rs. 15000 till next weekWhat language would you like prefer for phone call or WhatsApp messaging? *-Select-HindiEnglishAlternate Phone NumberYour Queries:Send Your full Name/आपका पूरा नाम *Enter your complete name herePhone/आपका फोन नंबर *Please share your number where we can reach you on call and whatsappEmail Address/ईमेल *Enter your email address herePin Code *Marital Status /वैवाहिक स्थिति *SelectSingleMarriedEmployment status/रोजगार की स्थिति *SelectNot EmployedWorking as salaried employedSelf employed/small businessBusiness with more than 10 employeesMonthly income/मासिक आय *SelectCurrently no incomeLess than Rs. 25,000 per monthRs. 25,000 - Rs. 50,000 per monthRs. 50,000 - Rs. ,1,00,00 per monthMore than Rs. 1,00,000Total outstanding/कुल बकाया *-Select-Less than Rs. 1 LakhRs. 1 Lakh - Rs. 2 LakhRs. 2 Lakh - Rs. 3 LakhRs. 3 Lakh - Rs. 5 LakhRs. 5 Lakh - Rs. 10 LakhRs. 10 Lakh - Rs. 15 LakhMore than Rs. 15 LakhProvide total outstanding dues for which you want settlementTotal credit card dues/कुल क्रेडिट कार्ड बकाया *-Select-No credit card duesLess than Rs. 1 LakhRs. 1 Lakh - Rs. 2 LakhRs. 2 Lakh - Rs. 3 LakhRs. 3 Lakh - Rs. 5 LakhRs. 5 Lakh - Rs. 10 LakhRs. 10 Lakh - Rs. 15 LakhMore than Rs. 15 LakhProvide total outstanding dues for all credit cards for which you want settlementTotal personal loan amount/कुल पर्सनल लोन राशि *-Select-No personal loanLess than Rs. 1 LakhRs. 1 Lakh - Rs. 2 LakhRs. 2 Lakh - Rs. 3 LakhRs. 3 Lakh - Rs. 5 LakhRs. 5 Lakh - Rs. 10 LakhRs. 10 Lakh - Rs. 15 LakhMore than Rs. 15 LakhProvide total outstanding for all personal loans for which you want settlementPayment status/भुगतान स्थिति *-Select-Paying full amount but with difficultypaying minimum amount for few monthpaying minimum amount for many monthnot paying anything and getticg collection callsAre you facing any harassment?/क्या लोन रिकवरी एजेंट बार-बार कॉल करके धमकी दे रहे हैं *-Select-No not facing any harassmentfacing some harassment ( getting many recovery call )Facing severe harassment ( getting many recovery call, getting threatening calls, recovery agent visiting home/officeHave you received any legal notice from any bank/ lender?/क्या आपने किसी बैंक या उधार देने वाले से कोई कानूनी नोटिस प्राप्त किया है *-Select-YesNoIn the past, have you done any settlement with any bank for a credit card or personal loan?/क्या आपने पहले किसी बैंक के साथ क्रेडिट कार्ड या व्यक्तिगत ऋण के लिए कोई समझौता किया है *-Select-No, i have not done any settlement in the pastYes, i have done settlement for credit card in the pastYes, i have done settlement for personal loan in the pasti have done settlement for both credit card and personal loanNegotiation and settlement with the bank takes time and if you want faster settlement, it comes with lower savings. Which settlement option would you prefer?/बैंक के साथ बातचीत और समझौते में समय लगता है, और यदि आप तेज़ समाधान चाहते हैं, तो इसमें कम बचत होती है। आप कौन सा समझौता विकल्प पसंद करेंगे *-Select-I can afford to pay around 80% of loan amount within 3 to 4 month )I can't afford to pay more than 50% so i am willing to wait longer 6 to 8 month or moreYou can start settlement process with Rs.5000 - Rs.15000 and arrange additional funds towards first installment later. Is that manageable for you?/आप ₹5000 से ₹15000 तक के साथ समझौता प्रक्रिया शुरू कर सकते हैं और पहले किस्त के लिए अतिरिक्त धन बाद में जुटा सकते हैं। क्या यह आपके लिए संभव है *-Select-yes, i have Rs. 5000 - Rs. 15000 availablei can arrange Rs. 5000 - Rs. 15000 till next weekWhat language would you like prefer for phone call or WhatsApp messaging? *-Select-HindiEnglishAlternate Phone NumberYour Queries:Send